For any business customers wishing to purchase wholesale, please complete the form below so we can give you a login to view our wholesale pricing. In the message box please insert your website address and company information so we know a little bit about you
Our minimum order is £180 excluding shipping
We only accept UK credit cards so any businesses who are based outside the UK, payment via bank transfer is the only accepted method of payment.
Shipping costs are confirmed once the order has been placed.
Made to order
If you see a design that you like and want to purchase volumes, please let us know and we will quote you.
For any designs that you wish to have manufactured, give us a shout and we will quote you . We order directly from factory so are competitive in our pricing. Any designs given to us will be held exclusively for you so not sold to any other customer.
Take advantage of Faire’s 60 days net credit terms and also 'money off' offers when you sign up with them, along with 1 year of free shipping. We also regularly run promotions on Faire.
If you click on the link below, this ensures that we are not charged commission for your order from Faire.
Feel free to contact us to discuss on 020 8868 0190 or email us info@tivello.com and we will assist.
Team Tivello